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We like to help our clients up-skill their Managers, create great places to work and prevent HR issues and conflict in the first place. We often find that things could have been nipped in the bud a lot earlier if the Manager knew what they could (or shouldn't) do and had the confidence to take early action. 

We deliver short, interactive and practical Manager Workshops (usually 2-3 hours) at your workplace to give your Manager's the knowledge, skills and confidence to engage and manage their teams well - creating a better experience for your people as well as reducing time-consuming, preventable people management issues.

We tailor each Workshop to your needs but a flavour of those we deliver regularly are:

  • Onboarding for Success

  • Enabling and Managing High Performance

  • Constructive Conversations and addressing Misconduct or Poor Performance

  • Encouraging and Managing Attendance

  • Supporting and Managing the impact of Menopause in the Workplace

  • Equality, Diversity and Inclusion - understanding and preventing unlawful Discrimination and Harassment.

  • Line Manager HR Toolkit

 Manager Feedback after our workshops:

"Thank you so much! I know exactly how to approach that conversation now and it was so useful practising too."


"It's much clearer now what I can do to tackle some of the issues in my team and how I need to do this - thank you."


"I can't thank you enough! Knowing how to approach a conversation with my team member about how we might be able to support her at work, to reduce and manage the impact of menopausal symptoms, is such a relief."

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